An Urban Center in Detroit for Spiritual Renewal and Social Justice

Liberate Truth - Radiate Kindness - Love Courageously

Membership Path

Membership Guidelines

At the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Detroit, we believe membership begins the journey of a deeper commitment. Newcomers are always welcome in our congregation. There is no formal conversion process, so becoming a Unitarian Universalist is simply a matter of self-identification. Membership is voluntary and does not require renouncing other religious affiliations or practices.

Church membership represents a deeper connection with your faith community. To help you discern whether or not UU Detroit membership is right for you, we encourage you to attend a variety of services, join us for activities and attend an Introduction to UU Detroit gathering. If interested, please reach out to the Membership Committee regarding the next available session.

Membership Requirements

By-Laws - Article III, Section 1: Membership is open to all interested persons who: are at least sixteen (16) years old; sign the membership book; make a monetary pledge of support and/or make a financial contribution of record. We welcome all who are in general agreement with Unitarian Universalist principles and purposes. No test of belief shall be imposed as a condition of membership.

Membership Process

Joining the church can be done in one of two ways as determined by the potential member with a two week notice to a Membership Committee member:

  1. At the end of any church service at a ceremony in front of congregation.
  2. At any time in a private ceremony in front of at least two (2) witnesses:
    1. Membership Chair/committee member (REQUIRED) and
    2. Minister or Chair/member of Board of Trustees
A membership packet is given to all new members.

Membership Forms

All new members of UU Detroit are asked to complete the following forms:

Please bring the forms to church on the day you sign the Membership Book (or mail to church).

If you have any questions, please contact the Membership Committee Chairperson at

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