An Urban Center in Detroit for Spiritual Renewal and Social Justice

Liberate Truth - Radiate Kindness - Love Courageously


Reverend Julie Brock

Hello! I'm Rev. Julie Brock. My deepest calling is to build beloved community. In my experience, beloved community is built when people are intentional about taking really good care of one another and our neighbors who may not sit in our pews, but who share our humanity. My favorite tools of the trade are shared meals, grounding ritual, good storytelling, and soul-deep music. My ministry is all about celebrating life and its source, whatever we might imagine it to be. I believe Unitarian Universalism's core message, that we are all worthy and all connected, is necessary, even life saving, especially in this time of division and isolation. I look forward to the next congregation with whom I can spread the UU message, build the beloved community, and have fun doing it.

For more information about my background and training, please see Joyously Building the Beloved Community.

Todd Ballou
Music Director:
Todd Ballou
Todd Ballou grew up in Hickory Corners, MI, near Kalamazoo. He earned his Bachelors of Musical Arts in piano performance from the University of Michigan, and has served as Music Director of the 1st Unitarian-Universalist Church of Detroit since 1997. Since 2005, Todd has owned his own architectural firm specializing in residential architecture. He lives with his partner, Dan, on a small farm in Ypsilanti with a few horses and goats.
Eli Kranz
Intern Minister:
Eli Kranz
Eli Kranz (he/him/his) grew up in the Saginaw Valley in a small town called Auburn. He has ping-ponged across the state for college and life, and landed in the Metro Detroit Area in 2008. Working in media, and then automotive, Eli has spent his professional life teaching and facilitating. A friend of First Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Ann Arbor, he taught OWL, sang in the choir and served on the lay leadership council. He is honored for the opportunity to work and grow with this vibrant community in Detroit. He lives in the Riverdale Neighborhood of Detroit by the River Rouge with his favorite elder pup, Rocko.
Abigail Thibodeau  
Technology & Communications Assistant:
Abigail Thibodeau
Omar Davis  
Sunday Facilities Assistant:
Omar Davis

Officers & Trustees

Colleen Dolan-Greene
Vice President
Elizabeth Lehto
Past President
Scott Lehto
Dan Wiest
Dan Secrest
Andrea Esu
Nancy Shattuck
Maryli Secrest
Megan Douglass

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